Enumeration Field National Socioeconomic Survey First Quarter 2015 - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Kepulauan Meranti Regency

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Enumeration Field National Socioeconomic Survey First Quarter 2015

Enumeration Field National Socioeconomic Survey First Quarter 2015

March 2, 2015 | BPS Activities

National Socioeconomic Survey ( SUSENAS ) is an activity surveys to collect information / data in the areas of population, health, family planning, housing, consumption and expenditure as well as much needed by various circles. Susenas first implemented in 1963. In the last two decades, until 2010, the collection is divided into KOR SUSENAS (held every year) and MODULE (3 years) which includes modules Consumption and Expenditures, Health and Housing Module, and Module social Culture and Education that implementation carried out alternately. In 2011 there is a change, consumption and expenditure data collection is done on a quarterly basis in conjunction with the KOR. This is done to increase the accuracy of data generated and in line with the increase in the frequency of requests for data consumption / household expenditures to GDP / GDP quarterly and poverty calculation. 
The data generated from this activity is the data SUSENAS very dubutuhkan ileh various among users of the data. Therefore, planning, preparation, execution field, data processing and presentation activities SUSENAS 2015 to conform to a set schedule. In the first quarter of 2015 SUSENAS activities conducted staff training activities that begins with preparation activities are workshops / training Inda and training officer. This activity is carried out with the aim of equalizing the perception of concepts / definitions and procedures and procedures for surveys 
survey was conducted from March 1 to March 20, 2015 for Semester I.
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