Meranti Islands in Figures 2013 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Kepulauan Meranti Regency

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Meranti Islands in Figures 2013

Catalog Number : 11020011410
Publication Number :
Publishing Frequency : Annualy
Release Date : November 20, 2013
Language : Indonesian
File Size :  MB


In line with the increasing development efforts in all fields, requires the availability of statistical data that is accurate, timely, regular and continuous, especially in order to support the establishment of a stable and precise planning, control and careful control and evaluation of development outcomes have been achieved. For this purpose, the Central Bureau of Statistics BPS through Meranti Islands District seeks the publications ""Meranti Islands DISTRICT IN FIGURES"" annually. The purpose of this publication is to provide detailed information about the state of sectoral statistics which are needed by planners and decision makers in formulating policies in their respective fields. In an effort to meet consumer demand, gradually BPS Meranti Islands District strives to improve data quality and timeliness of data presentation, both of the data agencies government and private sectors. With the publication of ""Meranti Islands DISTRICT IN FIGURES 2013"" we thank you for all the assistance provided by the various parties, both government and private agencies. Criticism and constructive suggestions are expected untukpenyempurnaan publications will datang.Sejalan with the increasing development efforts in all fields, requires the availability of statistical data is accurate, timely, regular and continuous, especially in order to support the establishment of a stable and precise planning, control and Careful control and evaluation of development outcomes have been achieved. For this purpose, the Central Bureau of Statistics BPS through Meranti Islands District seeks the publications ""Meranti Islands DISTRICT IN FIGURES"" annually. The purpose of this publication is to provide detailed information about the state of sectoral statistics which are needed by planners and decision makers in formulating policies in their respective fields. In an effort to meet consumer demand, gradually BPS Meranti Islands District strives to improve data quality and timeliness of data presentation, both of the data agencies government and private sectors. With the publication of ""Meranti Islands DISTRICT IN FIGURES 2013"" we thank you for all the assistance provided by the various parties, both government and private agencies. Criticism and constructive suggestions are expected untukpenyempurnaan forthcoming publication.
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BPS-Statistics Indonesia

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